Thursday, September 19, 2013


Dinosaurs and Volcanos

 We put vinegar and blue food coloring 
in the bowl to make water.
When the dinosaurs walk 
around in the dirt (baking soda) and 
step into the water it fizzes.

 We also simulated a volcano with red food coloring,
baking soda and vinegar.
 The were occupied for about 30 minutes and had allot of fun.

D for dinosaurs

 We have been learning the letter Dd
this week and also d for dinosaur.
Each of the kiddos made a different
dinosaur.  We talked about what they eat.
Some are meat eaters, plant eaters and
 fish and berry eaters.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fun with Susu

 This is one of our trips to Mcdonalds to play

 Let's paint!
I was excited to see Maddison 
painting with us.

 Izabelle is making a picture with crayon shavings.

 We made watercolor paints
with water food coloring and corn starch.

Cooking with the kiddos

We made biscuit pizzas the other day.
We tried something different 
and put them in muffin tins.
It made them thicker, but they kids did not mind.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Closed Friday October 11th

We will be closed Friday October 11th. 
 I will be attending a conference in Oklahoma.